About Us-Guntakal

Guntakal Municipality 4th largest ULB in the Anantapuramu district of A.P. it is spread over an area of 40.87 Sq.Kms with a population of 126479 (2011 Census).  The Municipality was constituted with effect from 01-04-1948 vide G.O. Ms. 866 L.A dated 04-03-1948 comprising of Thimmancherla and Guntakal, It was upgraded to Grade-1 Municipality as per G.O.Rt.No. 293 dated: 28.04-2018 and it has been accorded a status of “Selection Grade Municipality” vide G.O MS. No. 41 dated: 29-01-2018 
It is located 342 Kms. From Capital city AMARAVATI and 80 Kms. From District Headquarters. 
Latitude : 15.06'N
Longitude : 77.18'E
Guntakal is located at 15°06′N 77°18′E14. It is nearly 70 Km away from the District Head Quarter, Ananthapuram and nearly 342 Km away from the State Capital Amaravathi.
Climate and Rainfall:
GuntakalTown, in general, has a tropical climate, winters last from November to February, while summers last from March to June. The annual rainfall is 553 mm,  most of it received during the months of  July to Spetember
The Population of the Town which was 117403 in 2001 increased to 126479 in 2011 with an increase of in the last decade. The sex ratio is 1009 females per males. The literacy rate is 74.87%
Environmental Issues:
It is too hot in summer. Guntakal  summer highest day temperature is in between 34oC to 43oC. Average temperature of January is 24o C, February is 26oC, March is 30oC, April is 34o C , May is 37o C.
Urban Poor:
The State Government had initiated many social security schemes for the benefit of Urban Poor.