Building Permission

For construction of any residential or commercial building or property within the limits of the urban local bodies, the citizen has to approach the Town planning section of the respective ULB, which issues permission for construction of buildings based on specific set of rules and regulations. The Town planning section performs technical scrutiny and processing of building plans and issues building plan permissions. The main processes related to Town planning section for obtaining of building permissions are as follows.

  •     Approval of building proposals of various types and nature of buildings
  •     Approval of layout proposals
  •     Processing and completion of Government references, Court cases, Chief Minister Cell reference, LokAyukta references etc.
  •     Planning and implementation of Developmental activity such as road widening, junction improvements, development of parks, play grounds, subways, parking lots, bus bays etc
  •     Calculation of various fees such as admission fee, developmental charges, regularization charges, building license fees, scrutiny fees, demolition charges etc., and Collection of the fees and maintenance of appropriate records

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